Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Lance Didn't do it.
According to Lance has been cleared of all dopping charges.
He is/was an animal and the entire time I just said I hope he is never discovered to be dirty because folks will never trust him ever again, esp after they devoted so much time and energy to him. I remember days at City bikes When people would come in all day just looking for a livestrong band. I could not help thinking how disapointed people would feel if it was all a lie.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tuesday Already.
No clue where the weekend went. I just know I am tiderd and not too thrilled about being alive right now.
Friday was a good day in school with a bit of a break inthe afternoon. As I left school I felt that my rear tire can use a little bit of air. I decided to forgo the air, and get on to my house. that usually goes, I ended up fixing a flat on the bke trail back towards the city. I had to use a patch kit, as my fresh tubes were gone after last week. I usually put fresh tubes in, then patch at home to save on tubes and trash. I got it done pretty quickly and I was on my way. A few riders pased by me while I was fixing it, and most asked if I was ok. It is nice that we often ask eache other when we are on the trail. I have even helped out fellow bikers even when I was walking down to the board walk. Anyway, I got back on the bike and figured I would get to town in no time as I was having a good ride. I got to a hill that normally kicks my ass, but I saw a guy up ahead that I know from some cycling circles and know that he is fast. I wanted to push myself to see exactly how fast he was. I ended up getting to the top of the two hills, back down the next and into the tight part of Umbria street in Phily. I ended up catching him just before a light. I re-introduced myself, and we established our connections to eachother at the light. We rode through the "nuk and talked about bikes and cyclocross season. He is getting a new
IF for the upcoming 'cross season.
I can't wait to get mine moving. I want to have it finished by Thursday night, so I can ride it on my birthday. if it does not rain too much. After talking with Dave for a little bit I saw that I needed some more air. I pumpped it up agian, but it didnt keep air really well. I ended up going up the street to the Bike Shop, talked to Fernando for a bit, changed my tire again and got on my way.
I had to pump up again later down the road twice to make it home. A normal 1.25 hour ride took about 2. Just a pain.
After I got home we went to see some friends to hang out on the block and let the dogs run around while we ate some pizza and just chilled for the night.
Saturday we had to finish cleaning and fixing our old apartment. We spent almost all day and night doing this. We threw out a ton of trash, and patched up some stuff as well. We put down a new floor since Stella ripped part of the old one up. Saturday was more or less cooked by the time we finished cleaning up and what not.
Sunday was a big day. I woke up very early and worked on my bikes and cleaned up the basement prepping for the boxes that we still had to move over to our new house. I devised a better way to hang them to take up less room and have all but the three English bikes hanging up. Those English bikes are just too damn heavy. After jess mades some great breakfast and we packed up the dogs stuff, we headed off to my parents house in Pittston. The two hour drive was fine, but I had to do much of it alone as jess and the dog fell asleep for almost the entire ride after we got on the North east extension of the Turnpike.
Pittston was nice as many members of my family came over for some Memorial day activities. hanging out in the back yard with the lady, the dog, and the rest of the family is the perfect way to spend the day. There was a definate cloud over the day as my grandmother is still in the hospital/rehab after her stroke, and was not doing too well on Friday and Saturday. After the family started to head out, Jess and I went to visit my grandmother.
She was in much better spirits than described from the last two days. Her bruises have healed up for the most part, and we were making sure that she had some great things to look forward to, like my wedding, and her great grandchildren growing up. I think she really just needs something to look forward to and past this problem right now. I really hope she pushes through this and gets back to what she was before.
We talked about all sorts of things with her. The future, the past, recent events,and she seemed just like her normal self, just a bit more tired.
One of the coolest things she talked about, and one of my favorite stories is about her time spent in DC. She lived there when she was 17-18 and worked for the Navy during WWII. She lived at 18th and Q and walked to her typing job everyday. I just love picturing WWII era DC, and the general feeling aroudn the area. I think it would be a much diff feeling there then than now.
After grandma time we picked up some money for tickets from some friends up in scranton and then headed for my parents house. We ended up staying at my parents house, as we were too tired to make the 2 hour ride home.
On Monday we woke up at 6 and started our ride back to Philly. We got to Uhaul at 8:30 and picked up the van. We worked on the apartment till 12 then dropped off some of our stuff at the house. We brouhgt the van back at 1, then went to the Oregon Diner. After the diner we finished everything we needed to do before 3. The rest of the night was spent chilling in the house and a nice trip to Target.
Friday was a good day in school with a bit of a break inthe afternoon. As I left school I felt that my rear tire can use a little bit of air. I decided to forgo the air, and get on to my house. that usually goes, I ended up fixing a flat on the bke trail back towards the city. I had to use a patch kit, as my fresh tubes were gone after last week. I usually put fresh tubes in, then patch at home to save on tubes and trash. I got it done pretty quickly and I was on my way. A few riders pased by me while I was fixing it, and most asked if I was ok. It is nice that we often ask eache other when we are on the trail. I have even helped out fellow bikers even when I was walking down to the board walk. Anyway, I got back on the bike and figured I would get to town in no time as I was having a good ride. I got to a hill that normally kicks my ass, but I saw a guy up ahead that I know from some cycling circles and know that he is fast. I wanted to push myself to see exactly how fast he was. I ended up getting to the top of the two hills, back down the next and into the tight part of Umbria street in Phily. I ended up catching him just before a light. I re-introduced myself, and we established our connections to eachother at the light. We rode through the "nuk and talked about bikes and cyclocross season. He is getting a new
IF for the upcoming 'cross season.
I can't wait to get mine moving. I want to have it finished by Thursday night, so I can ride it on my birthday. if it does not rain too much. After talking with Dave for a little bit I saw that I needed some more air. I pumpped it up agian, but it didnt keep air really well. I ended up going up the street to the Bike Shop, talked to Fernando for a bit, changed my tire again and got on my way.
I had to pump up again later down the road twice to make it home. A normal 1.25 hour ride took about 2. Just a pain.
After I got home we went to see some friends to hang out on the block and let the dogs run around while we ate some pizza and just chilled for the night.
Saturday we had to finish cleaning and fixing our old apartment. We spent almost all day and night doing this. We threw out a ton of trash, and patched up some stuff as well. We put down a new floor since Stella ripped part of the old one up. Saturday was more or less cooked by the time we finished cleaning up and what not.
Sunday was a big day. I woke up very early and worked on my bikes and cleaned up the basement prepping for the boxes that we still had to move over to our new house. I devised a better way to hang them to take up less room and have all but the three English bikes hanging up. Those English bikes are just too damn heavy. After jess mades some great breakfast and we packed up the dogs stuff, we headed off to my parents house in Pittston. The two hour drive was fine, but I had to do much of it alone as jess and the dog fell asleep for almost the entire ride after we got on the North east extension of the Turnpike.
Pittston was nice as many members of my family came over for some Memorial day activities. hanging out in the back yard with the lady, the dog, and the rest of the family is the perfect way to spend the day. There was a definate cloud over the day as my grandmother is still in the hospital/rehab after her stroke, and was not doing too well on Friday and Saturday. After the family started to head out, Jess and I went to visit my grandmother.
She was in much better spirits than described from the last two days. Her bruises have healed up for the most part, and we were making sure that she had some great things to look forward to, like my wedding, and her great grandchildren growing up. I think she really just needs something to look forward to and past this problem right now. I really hope she pushes through this and gets back to what she was before.
We talked about all sorts of things with her. The future, the past, recent events,and she seemed just like her normal self, just a bit more tired.
One of the coolest things she talked about, and one of my favorite stories is about her time spent in DC. She lived there when she was 17-18 and worked for the Navy during WWII. She lived at 18th and Q and walked to her typing job everyday. I just love picturing WWII era DC, and the general feeling aroudn the area. I think it would be a much diff feeling there then than now.
After grandma time we picked up some money for tickets from some friends up in scranton and then headed for my parents house. We ended up staying at my parents house, as we were too tired to make the 2 hour ride home.
On Monday we woke up at 6 and started our ride back to Philly. We got to Uhaul at 8:30 and picked up the van. We worked on the apartment till 12 then dropped off some of our stuff at the house. We brouhgt the van back at 1, then went to the Oregon Diner. After the diner we finished everything we needed to do before 3. The rest of the night was spent chilling in the house and a nice trip to Target.
Friday, May 26, 2006
I have tickets for Baltimore and Richmond Gorilla Biscuits shows. if we get NYC, it will be a three day HxC tour for harry, jess and I
Thursday, May 25, 2006
someday I will get to bed
I am SO tired. When the end of school is so near, it is hard to stay focused and disiplined. The students want out, we want out, but it is not quite time for that yet. It seems like i have not been sleeping for days now. I def have not seen jess for any real quality time in awhile.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
another one
I blogged about getting a flat tire yesterday, and on the way home I eneded up with another. Two days in a row...tons of fun. This one was my first ever puncture on a Specialized Armadillo. It was a two inch piece of steel. It looked like a spoke that was cut and slipped in there. I don't know where I picked it up. I did stop by the shop on my way home since my non drive crank arm was coming a bit loose and singing to me on the hills of my commute. When I got to the shop, one of my friends was standing there working the counter. He just started working there. We used to be couriers together, and he worked at a different shop downtown. We chatted about riding together and about some shows of his band El Toro De Oro that are coming up. I got on my way and made it home with out getting another flat.
Once I got home, I hung out with the pup and waited for Jess to get home. Once she got home, we headed up to the print shop to pick up some work and go over some other stuff we have in the works. Those guys are killing themselves with orders, but if you need shirts made, want eco-friendly shirts, and want them done well contact Jump Start Screenprinting. Enough plugging for now...
We went back to our place and just chilled the rest of the night. Jess informed me that the
summer tour has been announced. It looks like Blacklisted will open for GB on part of the tour.
I had to call my buddy Harry to make sure that we go to as many shows as we can. I think we will travel around for a few of the shows. On our list are Philly, Baltimore, NYC, NJ, Cleveland, and maybe more. Here are the dates to the GB summer tour if you want them. The ones I am thinking of going to are highlighted.
08/04/2006 – Asbury Park, NJ @ Stone Pony
08/05/2006 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium Downstairs
08/06/2006 - Philadelphia, PA @ Starlite Ballroom
08/07/2006 – Auburn, NY @ Auburn Public Theatre
08/08/2006 - Montreal, QC @ Foufounes Electriques
08/09/2006 – Toronto, ON @ Phoenix Concert Theatre
08/10/2006 – Cleveland, OH @ Peabodys Downunder
08/11/2006 – Detroit, MI @ Majestic Theatre
08/12/2006 – West Dundee, IL @ Clearwater Theatre
08/13/2006 – Minneapolis, MN @ Triple Rock Social Club
08/15/2006 – Denver, CO @ Cervantes
08/16/2006 – Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
08/17/2006 - San Francisco, CA @ Pound SF
08/18/2006 - San Francisco, CA @ Pound SF
08/19/2006 – Pomona, CA @ Glasshouse
08/20/2006 – Anaheim, CA @ Chain Reaction
08/21/2006 - TBA
08/22/2006 - San Diego, CA @ Soma
08/23/2006 – Las Vegas, NV @ The Clubhouse
08/25/2006 – Austin, TX @ Emo’s
08/26/2006 - TBA
08/27/2006 – Houston, TX @ Meridian
08/29/2006 – Atlanta, GA @ Vinyl
08/30/2006 – Nashville, TN @ Rocket Town
08/31/2006 - Richmond, VA @ Alley Katz
09/01/2006 – Baltimore, MD @ Otto Bar
09/02/2006 – New York, NY @ BB King’s
If you want any more news check out Walter's Page or Punk News. I did get to go to the first reunion last year with Black Train Jack. I blogged about it when it was announced last june.
I crashed out a little earlier than usual. Hopefully I can kick this cold, and rest up this weekend.
Once I got home, I hung out with the pup and waited for Jess to get home. Once she got home, we headed up to the print shop to pick up some work and go over some other stuff we have in the works. Those guys are killing themselves with orders, but if you need shirts made, want eco-friendly shirts, and want them done well contact Jump Start Screenprinting. Enough plugging for now...
We went back to our place and just chilled the rest of the night. Jess informed me that the
summer tour has been announced. It looks like Blacklisted will open for GB on part of the tour.
I had to call my buddy Harry to make sure that we go to as many shows as we can. I think we will travel around for a few of the shows. On our list are Philly, Baltimore, NYC, NJ, Cleveland, and maybe more. Here are the dates to the GB summer tour if you want them. The ones I am thinking of going to are highlighted.
08/04/2006 – Asbury Park, NJ @ Stone Pony
08/05/2006 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium Downstairs
08/06/2006 - Philadelphia, PA @ Starlite Ballroom
08/07/2006 – Auburn, NY @ Auburn Public Theatre
08/08/2006 - Montreal, QC @ Foufounes Electriques
08/09/2006 – Toronto, ON @ Phoenix Concert Theatre
08/10/2006 – Cleveland, OH @ Peabodys Downunder
08/11/2006 – Detroit, MI @ Majestic Theatre
08/12/2006 – West Dundee, IL @ Clearwater Theatre
08/13/2006 – Minneapolis, MN @ Triple Rock Social Club
08/15/2006 – Denver, CO @ Cervantes
08/16/2006 – Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
08/17/2006 - San Francisco, CA @ Pound SF
08/18/2006 - San Francisco, CA @ Pound SF
08/19/2006 – Pomona, CA @ Glasshouse
08/20/2006 – Anaheim, CA @ Chain Reaction
08/21/2006 - TBA
08/22/2006 - San Diego, CA @ Soma
08/23/2006 – Las Vegas, NV @ The Clubhouse
08/25/2006 – Austin, TX @ Emo’s
08/26/2006 - TBA
08/27/2006 – Houston, TX @ Meridian
08/29/2006 – Atlanta, GA @ Vinyl
08/30/2006 – Nashville, TN @ Rocket Town
08/31/2006 - Richmond, VA @ Alley Katz
09/01/2006 – Baltimore, MD @ Otto Bar
09/02/2006 – New York, NY @ BB King’s
If you want any more news check out Walter's Page or Punk News. I did get to go to the first reunion last year with Black Train Jack. I blogged about it when it was announced last june.
I crashed out a little earlier than usual. Hopefully I can kick this cold, and rest up this weekend.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
a day after
A day after I say we should not kill bears, they do this. It was not even a wild one. They have to learn how to keep better track of these guys.
hope I never lose my wallet.
This really sucks. I could not imagine having my bike stolen, esp one that means so much to me. I also could not imagine having the life that would allow me to travel like that. I am close to my friends and family, which would make it hard to travel as much as he has.
Last night I had to stay at work pretty late, so I ended up taking the train home. It seems like the later I am on the train, the worse it is. Also last night someone was "lighting up" the train. Every few stops there was a green gas coming over the car I was riding in. Not much fun. I got off at TEMPLE and checked my tire. It was a little low, as this tire has had a slow leak for months, but it is usually still full by the time I get home from work. I have to pump it up every morning, but it lasts for the full day. I was getting home from work about 4 hours later than even my later nights, so the tire was very low. I figured I would make it home with no trouble, but that proved not to be the case. I ended up with a pinch flat after hitting a big rock that I didnt see. The flat was not the problem as I have a total kit in my bag to deal with just about anything. The place it happended was the problem. For those of you familiar with the city...this was at 9th and Germantown Ave. Not a place you want to flat at 9:30pm. Luckily I was close enough to a bright safe place and was able to change really quick. I got the tire done and was on my way.
The reason why I was at work so late was due to a ceremony infront of the school board where I was picked as rookie of the year for my school. I am not a rookie teacher, but as far as Pennsylvania and NASD is concerned, I am a rookie. I got some nice stuff, and a check for $50, but they spelled my name wrong on this crystal thing they gave me. I will try to get a picture of it.
My principal said nice things about me, and informed everyone that I won a grant from HP for $37,000 worth of equipment for my school. The audience let out a simultanious gasp. People seem excited about that sort of stuff. I did the work for it so long ago, that I dont really think I did anything. I will be excited when all of the stuff gets here. The "stuff" is this * an HP Tablet PC
* an HP multimedia projector
* an HP digital camera
* an HP PSC all-in-one printer/scanner/copier
* software and accessories
* a $500 stipend
* a professional development program.
for each of the 5 teachers on the team. A good deal I think.
Last night I had to stay at work pretty late, so I ended up taking the train home. It seems like the later I am on the train, the worse it is. Also last night someone was "lighting up" the train. Every few stops there was a green gas coming over the car I was riding in. Not much fun. I got off at TEMPLE and checked my tire. It was a little low, as this tire has had a slow leak for months, but it is usually still full by the time I get home from work. I have to pump it up every morning, but it lasts for the full day. I was getting home from work about 4 hours later than even my later nights, so the tire was very low. I figured I would make it home with no trouble, but that proved not to be the case. I ended up with a pinch flat after hitting a big rock that I didnt see. The flat was not the problem as I have a total kit in my bag to deal with just about anything. The place it happended was the problem. For those of you familiar with the city...this was at 9th and Germantown Ave. Not a place you want to flat at 9:30pm. Luckily I was close enough to a bright safe place and was able to change really quick. I got the tire done and was on my way.
The reason why I was at work so late was due to a ceremony infront of the school board where I was picked as rookie of the year for my school. I am not a rookie teacher, but as far as Pennsylvania and NASD is concerned, I am a rookie. I got some nice stuff, and a check for $50, but they spelled my name wrong on this crystal thing they gave me. I will try to get a picture of it.
My principal said nice things about me, and informed everyone that I won a grant from HP for $37,000 worth of equipment for my school. The audience let out a simultanious gasp. People seem excited about that sort of stuff. I did the work for it so long ago, that I dont really think I did anything. I will be excited when all of the stuff gets here. The "stuff" is this * an HP Tablet PC
* an HP multimedia projector
* an HP digital camera
* an HP PSC all-in-one printer/scanner/copier
* software and accessories
* a $500 stipend
* a professional development program.
for each of the 5 teachers on the team. A good deal I think.
Monday, May 22, 2006
could we stop
Could we please stop killing these bears. Maybe they should have tasered a frat boy instead.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
got it....
Late last night, Jess and I decided to go the an auction today. We endeded up getting a whole bunch of stuff and paid like nothing for it. We got:
A quilt,
an english three speed bike,
a dehumidifyer,
a big ass antique mirror,
two folding chairs.
All together we payed 18.64 and that included a buyers premium and tax. INfuckingSANE. There were loads of other things that went pretty low as well.
Jess and I now have three lightweight English crusiers! One Raleigh, one Gibralter, and a Royce Union.
After a haircut, and a search for a resteraunt, we got back to the city. I got my bike ready and went for a ride. I took a few pictures. A few pictures of some abandoned and destroyed cars .

These are the trails I ride now. The black car was not there on Thursday when I was there last. I guess it is pretty active back there.
Here is a picture of the "single track"
This is my single on one of the docks. Notice the razor wire and graf work behind it. Fun place to be!

Besides the guys riding ATVs and dirtbikes, I felt a little more comfy on the trails today. It will be a good place to just get a good workout, and get on some dirt in the city. I look like I was having a good time.

After a good ride and getting cleaned up a little bit, jess and I finally got to come in contact with our inner white trash and we went to Red Lobster, since we got a gift card from her shower. The housewives are on the tube, the dog is on the couch, jess and I are on our computers and getting ready for bed. I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
A quilt,
an english three speed bike,
a dehumidifyer,
a big ass antique mirror,
two folding chairs.
All together we payed 18.64 and that included a buyers premium and tax. INfuckingSANE. There were loads of other things that went pretty low as well.
Jess and I now have three lightweight English crusiers! One Raleigh, one Gibralter, and a Royce Union.
After a haircut, and a search for a resteraunt, we got back to the city. I got my bike ready and went for a ride. I took a few pictures. A few pictures of some abandoned and destroyed cars .

These are the trails I ride now. The black car was not there on Thursday when I was there last. I guess it is pretty active back there.
Here is a picture of the "single track"

This is my single on one of the docks. Notice the razor wire and graf work behind it. Fun place to be!

Besides the guys riding ATVs and dirtbikes, I felt a little more comfy on the trails today. It will be a good place to just get a good workout, and get on some dirt in the city. I look like I was having a good time.

After a good ride and getting cleaned up a little bit, jess and I finally got to come in contact with our inner white trash and we went to Red Lobster, since we got a gift card from her shower. The housewives are on the tube, the dog is on the couch, jess and I are on our computers and getting ready for bed. I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
give it a rest
Well today was supposed to be a day to sit around with Jess and enjoy eachotehrs company. Well her dad called and asked if I could work at Pharm Ops, his business. I could use the infusion of cash, but I can always use the time at home. If her dad did not need me so bad, I would have given up the cash to stay home for the day. I guess it is better off, since I would have been out (or tempted to) on some wet trails(the ones I talked about yesterday). Maybe I will get out there tomorrow.
Tonight we are going to see the Davinci code with some friends and go to a book release party. I am excited to see the movie to see if it lives up to all of the hype. Really I just want to see her
I will get out on the trails tomorrow. If I have to go really early, I will def get out there. My single speed legs need some work.
Go to redheadblog webring if you like redheads like me!
I will get out on the trails tomorrow. If I have to go really early, I will def get out there. My single speed legs need some work.
Go to redheadblog webring if you like redheads like me!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Start Packing?
I wonder how many people "pack heat" when they ride. I have a good friend who used to camp, hike, and do epic rides with a sawed off shotgun. He said it comes in handy when you are going across some private land with an overzelous landowner in some remote parts of the country. He is an old Marine, and nothing against our armed forces, know that loose some attachment down their at Paris Island.
I guess this came to mind as I was trying out my new single speed rig on some of the "trails" that are near my house. What these trails are is what is leftover from the shipping trade and the raliroad system that used to run my neighborhood. The trails are not some pretty epic ride, as they are wide, rutted, and never maintained. For what they lack in polish, they make up for in adventure. I am a total noobie to this neighborhood, but I know a scetchy place when I see one, and this is one for the ages. This is the kind of place that you go to when you want to see how far a score from the 2 o'clock scramble will go, score some drugs, live out a derilict life, or all three wrapped into one. Lots of grafitti, some broken glass, and shreads of some teenage one-night-stands clothes, and raliroad/dock leftovers. So far it is fun, but I just have a feeling that someone is watching me, but anyone hanging on this land, is fishing, up to no good, or freewheeling around on their ATV or mountain bike. As I explore more, I think I will have a good time back there. It is great, since I will have trails that are three blocks from my house! People move deep into the burbs and pay a whole bunch for that luxury.
I will take some pictures, and continue to blog on the trails back there.
Speaking of paying a whole bunch, this hood is rapidly increasing, and soon those trails will not be there anymore. The entire area I was riding on today will be condos in the next 5-6 years. With Donald Trump, casino owners, and other developers building on the old dock land, it will all be snatched up, "developed" and lost forever. The only good thing I guess I could say about gentrification is that it will make me a whole bunch of money when we sell our house.
I live in the Port Richmond/Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Anyone with a brain could discerne what used to go on in this neighborhood. It was a neighborhood of poor imigrants and their families who unloaded ships from the early 1800's till the early 1970's. What was left in their wake was a huge tract of land that is filled with lower to upper middle class families who live in two to three story houses that live and die in their house. In beteween birth and death, they go to a catholic school, have a few babies, and go "down the shore". Now many of these folks can sell their homestead off and go live wherever they want. This seems to be happening pretty quickly. It will be nice, but I don't want the "hood" to lose it's identitiy.
We went to see "Over the Hedge" tonight. It was great. My fiance thinks the personification of animals is the most amuzing thing ever. I am a greenie, without being a hippie, so it worked out for both of us. The animation is amazing, and the general story was great. I liked some of the social commentaries on SUVs, food, and the suburbs. Go see it if you have ever lost your trails to "development". It was a bit strange with all of those kids laughing about some of the problems the animals had.
I guess this came to mind as I was trying out my new single speed rig on some of the "trails" that are near my house. What these trails are is what is leftover from the shipping trade and the raliroad system that used to run my neighborhood. The trails are not some pretty epic ride, as they are wide, rutted, and never maintained. For what they lack in polish, they make up for in adventure. I am a total noobie to this neighborhood, but I know a scetchy place when I see one, and this is one for the ages. This is the kind of place that you go to when you want to see how far a score from the 2 o'clock scramble will go, score some drugs, live out a derilict life, or all three wrapped into one. Lots of grafitti, some broken glass, and shreads of some teenage one-night-stands clothes, and raliroad/dock leftovers. So far it is fun, but I just have a feeling that someone is watching me, but anyone hanging on this land, is fishing, up to no good, or freewheeling around on their ATV or mountain bike. As I explore more, I think I will have a good time back there. It is great, since I will have trails that are three blocks from my house! People move deep into the burbs and pay a whole bunch for that luxury.
I will take some pictures, and continue to blog on the trails back there.
Speaking of paying a whole bunch, this hood is rapidly increasing, and soon those trails will not be there anymore. The entire area I was riding on today will be condos in the next 5-6 years. With Donald Trump, casino owners, and other developers building on the old dock land, it will all be snatched up, "developed" and lost forever. The only good thing I guess I could say about gentrification is that it will make me a whole bunch of money when we sell our house.
I live in the Port Richmond/Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Anyone with a brain could discerne what used to go on in this neighborhood. It was a neighborhood of poor imigrants and their families who unloaded ships from the early 1800's till the early 1970's. What was left in their wake was a huge tract of land that is filled with lower to upper middle class families who live in two to three story houses that live and die in their house. In beteween birth and death, they go to a catholic school, have a few babies, and go "down the shore". Now many of these folks can sell their homestead off and go live wherever they want. This seems to be happening pretty quickly. It will be nice, but I don't want the "hood" to lose it's identitiy.
fast...but that fast.
I know some people who stop by here are hella fast, but how about a moving mountain? Would htat double your speed, or half it?
Bike to Work
It is bike to work day. I understand why it is late in May, since it is so nice out and everything, but why can't I have "Snot is frozen to your face, and your fingers and toes are numb Bike to work day"?
Even though the folks I work with are amazed that I ride my bike almost every day, sometimes I need that extra push to make sure I get out there. It happens sometime around mid January through February. I dont mind riding up until christmas, becuase that chill in the air is just the holidays coming. It is the time when spring is still far off, and winter has you by the short and curlies that we need to have a bike to work day.
Someone at my job did give me chocolate covered pretzels for my bike to work efforts today though. They told me it was my responsibility to protect the environment, as she handed me a plastic bag that she took out of her minivan
Last night I finally finished my new single speed.
I took it for a madien voyage, but the tire slipped and the chain was too short to bring it further back in the fork ends. I had to add a few links to the chain to get it just right. I might have just a little bit too much brake housing on it, but it will do for right now. The total cost for the bike was like $150 of new parts(frame from ebay and fork from craigslist). The rest of the stuff was from my tool box or taken off of bikes that were less than active.
Parts list for new single speed:
Jamis Dragon Hard Tail w/modified rear end.
Rock Shox Judy fork (dont know the age)
Generic seatpost and stem
Brooks B-17 Honey Saddle
Big S pedals
Avid Speed Dial Ti levers
Mavic Cross Max XL wheels
various tires
Big s bottom bracket
race face crank
Avid Disc brakes.
I thank the lady of the house for not wanting to kill me while i have finished this project. I will post some pictures later tonight.
Some pictures I took from a recent class trip are on the homepage of My School District.
On the road again
To keep your interest for the rest of the day how about water for sex. Maybe someday I can bring a gallon or two and trade it in at the LBS for some new disc brakes.
Even though the folks I work with are amazed that I ride my bike almost every day, sometimes I need that extra push to make sure I get out there. It happens sometime around mid January through February. I dont mind riding up until christmas, becuase that chill in the air is just the holidays coming. It is the time when spring is still far off, and winter has you by the short and curlies that we need to have a bike to work day.
Someone at my job did give me chocolate covered pretzels for my bike to work efforts today though. They told me it was my responsibility to protect the environment, as she handed me a plastic bag that she took out of her minivan
Last night I finally finished my new single speed.

Parts list for new single speed:
Jamis Dragon Hard Tail w/modified rear end.
Rock Shox Judy fork (dont know the age)
Generic seatpost and stem
Brooks B-17 Honey Saddle
Big S pedals
Avid Speed Dial Ti levers
Mavic Cross Max XL wheels
various tires
Big s bottom bracket
race face crank
Avid Disc brakes.
I thank the lady of the house for not wanting to kill me while i have finished this project. I will post some pictures later tonight.
Some pictures I took from a recent class trip are on the homepage of My School District.
On the road again

To keep your interest for the rest of the day how about water for sex. Maybe someday I can bring a gallon or two and trade it in at the LBS for some new disc brakes.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
back in the saddle again
It seems that when something comes to an end or I have accomplished something, I come back to this. I have Gawdz to thank for this I guess. A few things have been going on now. It seems that last thing I knew it was St. Patricks day, it was cold as hell, I was living in a small apartment, and everything was ok. Now after some family events, buying a house, and spring arriving it is mid-May afterall. Crazy!
A few things have gone on in the last few months since I worked on this some on the bike but alot off the bike. It seems like most of the riding I am doing is on my commute...not a slouch of a commute at 26 miles, but not as much fun as a day in the woods. Much better than sitting in the car, or paying for $3+ gas.
I guess I can work backwards of stuff that has been going on.
-Last night my first season as head coach of 7th and 8th grade girls lacrosse ended in a lopsided loss like most of the season. Our girls would hang tough till half time, and then just fall apart in the last 10 minutes. We finished the season 3-8. With a very inexperienced team playing in a hotbed of lacrosse, I think we did well. I wanted to beat one team from outside of the district and the other two middle school teams in our district. We did that, had a bunch of fun, learned
the sport and hopefully deveolped some of the girls into players for next year and on after that. It was a huge sucess over last year when they only won one game on the entire season.
The picture with the clouds is my Goalie and Center leaving the field after a great game.
-Last weekend I went home (again) to see my family. This time it was a bit different. Besides the typical moms day stuff, I had to help with my mom who had shoulder surgury to repair a tear from many moons ago that is aggrivated by her job where she has to lift a very heavy bar over her head for hours at a time. God I wish she could get out of that job, but there is those pesky benifits. What good are benifits from your job when they are only going to pay for things that happen when you are on the job? It just really sucks, but it is motivation for me to make sure I never have to work in a factory, and to never really complain about my job, because on my worst day, it is still better than the best day at the jobs my parents have had.
While I was home I also had to visit my grandmother who had a stroke a week prior. She is 82yrs old and quick as a whip. You would think she was 10-20 years younger based on the way she acts. The day before the stroke she was out shopping and keeping pace with my aunt who is at least 30 years younger than her. My grandmother seems to be doing ok, and she has a great support system, so her recovery I feel is going to be as good as her mind is going to make it. I just hope she can stay positive. I dont know if I could in that state. I want her to be around and healthy to see me get married this summer, as I am the last of her grandchildren to do so.
This tough weekend was accented by some quality time with the family, some good walks with the dog, and a fun time at my friends Co-Ed baby shower. I have known my friend who is having the baby since I was in kindergarten. We went to the same church, as her family grew up in the same neighborhood as mine. We went through all of school together, and even went to prom together. It is just strange that we are growing up and having babies and weddings and what not. Pictures to come when she has her baby girl.
The previous few weekends have invovled weddings, traveling, other showers, and moving from our little old apartment.
A few things have gone on in the last few months since I worked on this some on the bike but alot off the bike. It seems like most of the riding I am doing is on my commute...not a slouch of a commute at 26 miles, but not as much fun as a day in the woods. Much better than sitting in the car, or paying for $3+ gas.
I guess I can work backwards of stuff that has been going on.
-Last night my first season as head coach of 7th and 8th grade girls lacrosse ended in a lopsided loss like most of the season. Our girls would hang tough till half time, and then just fall apart in the last 10 minutes. We finished the season 3-8. With a very inexperienced team playing in a hotbed of lacrosse, I think we did well. I wanted to beat one team from outside of the district and the other two middle school teams in our district. We did that, had a bunch of fun, learned

The picture with the clouds is my Goalie and Center leaving the field after a great game.

-Last weekend I went home (again) to see my family. This time it was a bit different. Besides the typical moms day stuff, I had to help with my mom who had shoulder surgury to repair a tear from many moons ago that is aggrivated by her job where she has to lift a very heavy bar over her head for hours at a time. God I wish she could get out of that job, but there is those pesky benifits. What good are benifits from your job when they are only going to pay for things that happen when you are on the job? It just really sucks, but it is motivation for me to make sure I never have to work in a factory, and to never really complain about my job, because on my worst day, it is still better than the best day at the jobs my parents have had.
While I was home I also had to visit my grandmother who had a stroke a week prior. She is 82yrs old and quick as a whip. You would think she was 10-20 years younger based on the way she acts. The day before the stroke she was out shopping and keeping pace with my aunt who is at least 30 years younger than her. My grandmother seems to be doing ok, and she has a great support system, so her recovery I feel is going to be as good as her mind is going to make it. I just hope she can stay positive. I dont know if I could in that state. I want her to be around and healthy to see me get married this summer, as I am the last of her grandchildren to do so.
This tough weekend was accented by some quality time with the family, some good walks with the dog, and a fun time at my friends Co-Ed baby shower. I have known my friend who is having the baby since I was in kindergarten. We went to the same church, as her family grew up in the same neighborhood as mine. We went through all of school together, and even went to prom together. It is just strange that we are growing up and having babies and weddings and what not. Pictures to come when she has her baby girl.
The previous few weekends have invovled weddings, traveling, other showers, and moving from our little old apartment.
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