Friday, June 24, 2005

Had to work in jersey today. I stayed at jess's parents house last night. After work I stopped and got some softserve at a place along my commute. It surly makes the commute go by better when there is icecream involved! I def want to make a movie about ice cream stands. You know everyone you go to has the same girls working there. Each of them has a position or a characater she plays for the summer, or her time working there. There is always the jock, the slut, the fat one, the one who wants to be different, the boy who is really trying to get some, the really smart one, the rich one, and a few others thrown in for good measure. My movie would totally follow them through their year from the closing of the icecream stand in September to the opening of it in April or whatever. It would be so much fun. Next time you stop to pick up soft serve...check it out and you will see what I mean.

Friday night we went to see Batman Begins in the IMAX theater. Def go see it there! It is totally worth it. It is a great place to see a movie, esp one this good. I am not even really a fan of dark movies, but this one was amazing.

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