I stopped by the shop, shot the bull, chased all the threads and then headed out.
We had dreams of going for a night ride tomorrow, to celebrate one of the guys and the upcoming birth of his second baby(his wife is due friday), but I dont think I will make it. It is supposed to snow a bunch, be butt cold tomorrow night, and my shoulder is effed right now.
I guess I will have to skip out on the ride. Hopefully we will have many oppertunities to celebreate Ben and his kids. Good luck buddy.

Ben Riding a stunt down at White Clay, Delaware over the summer.
I def am not going to make it to the ride tomorrow night, since I built up the 29er, and that means my IF is now a frame and a seatpost hanging from the rafters in my basement. If i had wheels and a front deraliurer, I would go, but it would be hard to keep up just carrying a frame in the woods.
Sort of sad for the IF, as she is my baby, but a new beginning for some of those parts. I am going to rebuild the IF. Will it be a single? will it be a geared 26inch bike? It all depends on how much I enjoy the 29er world.
I am waiting for my wheels, but they are not going to be in till friday. I will also need a bottom pull front der that fits the Surly. Hopefully one of the shops will have it.
I will be back on the stick tomorrow as far as exercise goes due to the fact that our contest started today at 3:30. I have been doing smaller workouts at the house and still really watching what I take in, so I don't go off the deep end trying to keep pounds on for the weigh in. I am SO going to win.
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